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"Administration" component

Designed for general configuration and maintenance of the System and solving tasks in real-time.

  • database maintenance;
  • differentiation of access rights for users;
  • administration and viewing of system logs of events, business processes, user sessions with the System, and error messages;
  • viewing general characteristics of sections, and settings related to these sections.
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"Finance" component

It is intended for program-targeted planning, automation of accounting processes, and distribution of budgetary funding for direct recipients of budgetary allocations and subordinate institutions (fund managers).

  • planning and changing the plan of budget allocations, the needs of spending units, and the expenditure side of the budget;
  • maintaining a network of budget allocations;
  • financing the expenditure side of the budget.
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«Accounting» component

Designed to automate the processes of collecting, registering, and summarizing information in monetary terms about the assets and liabilities of an institution (company).

  • registration and accounting of primary documents
  • keeping records of business transactions;
  • keeping records of current and non-current assets;
  • keeping records of cash and actual expenditures in the context of budget classification;
  • accounting of settlements with debtors and creditors, etc;
  • detailed analytics by arbitrary sections.
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"Payroll" component

The component is designed to automate payroll processes.

  • calculation of cash benefits, and salaries, taking into account the specifics of the civil service, educational, medical, and other industries;
  • setting up own calculation algorithms;
  • maintaining periodic accounting information required for payroll;
  • accounting for the time worked;
  • performing monthly payroll, deductions, and withholdings;
  • preparation of documents for payment of salaries (cash benefits);
  • deposit and transfer of accrued amounts;
  • preparation of payroll entries;
  • preparation of reporting forms and documents based on the results of payroll calculation
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"Supply, warehouse, sales" component

Designed to automate the accounting of fulfillment of mutual obligations of the parties arising after the conclusion of contracts for the purchase and sale of goods, provision, and receipt of services.

  • contract management (registration, control, contract stages, schedules, etc.)
  • warehouse accounting;
  • formation of a contract based on a procurement plan;
  • maintaining standard and non-standard inventory classifiers
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«Reporting» component

Designed for automated generation of consolidated reports for any purpose (accounting, industry, statistical, etc.) and any level of complexity (from primary reports to consolidated reports of institutions).

  • development of arbitrary templates for the registration of reports;
  • development of rules for checking reports;
  • generation of reports from other modules of the System.


  • Interaction with E-Treasury, E-Data, E-Reporting, and other systems.
  • Functionality based on a powerful modern DBMS - processing of large data sets with an unlimited number of users and remote units.
  • Differentiation of roles and access at different hierarchical levels.
  • Work in one database with different accounting units.
  • Analytical accounting by multidimensional indicators.
  • Formation of reporting forms following the current legislation.
  • Generation of arbitrary analytical reports
  • Control over the expenditure of funds.
  • Methodological support in the development and implementation of software.
MIA: Accounting and reporting icon

MIA: Accounting and reporting

Is a powerful ERP system that meets the requirements of current legislation for data formats and information protection.