
Information for electricity consumers

General terms and conditions of electricity supply

Electricity supply by the STATE ENTERPRISE "INFOTECH" is carried out by the Rules of the retail electricity market, approved by the NEURC Resolution No. 312 dated 14.03.2018, which regulates the relations arising from the purchase and sale of electricity between the electricity supplier (electricity suppliers) and the consumer (for own consumption), as well as their relations with other participants of the retail electricity market, as defined by the Rules.

In the retail electricity market, consumption and use of electricity for the needs of the consumer's electrical installation are subject to the distribution/transmission and sale (supply) of electricity based on electricity distribution/transmission, electricity supply, and commercial metering agreements concluded by the Rules, the Transmission System Code, the Distribution System Code, and the Commercial Metering Code.

Electricity is supplied to consumers under an electricity supply agreement developed by the electricity supplier based on the Model Electricity Supply Agreement for Consumers. The electricity supply agreement is concluded between the electricity supplier and the consumer and provides for the supply of the entire volume of actual electricity consumption by the consumer within a certain period by one electricity supplier. The said agreement shall be concluded by the consumer's accession to the terms and conditions of the public electricity supply agreement posted on the electricity supplier's website by the selected commercial offer, or by agreeing in paper form if the parties agree to agree on terms and conditions other than those of the public commercial offers.

The consumer has the right to change the electricity supplier at any time by entering into a new electricity supply agreement with the new electricity supplier, notifying his electricity supplier no later than 21 days before such change.

Consumption and use of electricity for the needs of the consumer's electrical installations are subject to the provision of distribution/transmission and sale (supply) of electricity based on distribution/transmission agreements, supply of electricity to the consumer, and provision of commercial metering services.

Consumer rights provided for by law

Under Article 58 of the Law of Ukraine "On the Electricity Market", the Consumer has the right to:

  • purchase electricity for their consumption under bilateral agreements and in organized market segments, provided that they enter into an imbalance settlement agreement and an agreement on the provision of electricity transmission services with the transmission system operator, and in case of connection to the distribution system - an agreement on the provision of electricity distribution services with the distribution system operator; or purchase electricity in the retail market from electricity suppliers or producers engaged in electricity generation for;
  • receive electricity of proper quality by the terms of the contract and electricity quality standards;
  • to compensate for losses incurred as a result of non-fulfillment by its counterparties of the terms of contracts concluded in the electricity market;
  • to compensation applied in case of non-compliance with the quality indicators of electricity supply services;
  • non-discriminatory access to the transmission system and distribution systems based on agreements with the transmission system operator and distribution system operator by the requirements of the transmission system code and the distribution system code;
  • access to information on activities in the electricity market in the manner and to the extent determined by the market rules and other regulatory legal acts governing the functioning of the electricity market;
  • to submit appeals, complaints, and claims, in particular regarding the quality of electricity supply, to the relevant electricity supplier, and distribution system operator, and to receive, by the procedure established by law, motivated responses or notifications of measures to eliminate the causes of the complaint by the electricity supplier;
  • to submit complaints to the Regulator by the procedure for complaints and dispute resolution;
  • receive notifications from the relevant electricity supplier of its intentions to amend any terms of the electricity supply agreement to the consumer no later than 20 days before the amendment and, in case of disagreement with the proposed amendments, terminate the agreement with the electricity supplier by the procedure established by the agreement;
  • receive information from the relevant electricity supplier provided for by the law and the terms of the electricity supply agreement to the consumer;
  • other rights by the law and concluded agreements.

The consumer also has the right to install such generating facilities intended for the production of electricity:

  • household consumers in their private households - generating installations with an installed capacity not exceeding 50 kW, designed to produce electricity from solar and/or wind energy;
  • other consumers, including energy cooperatives - generating facilities with an installed capacity not exceeding 150 kW, designed to produce electricity from solar and/or wind energy, biomass, biogas, hydropower, and geothermal energy.

Information on the procedure for consumers to submit appeals, complaints, claims, notifications of electrical safety hazards and their consideration

The Law of Ukraine "On Citizens' Appeals" defines the general principles of exercising the right of citizens to appeal, which provides for the right to apply to state authorities, local self-government bodies, associations of citizens, enterprises, institutions, organizations regardless of ownership, the media, and officials by their functional duties with comments, complaints, and proposals related to their statutory activities, applications or petitions for the exercise of their socio-economic, political and personal rights.

According to the Law, citizens' appeals are defined as proposals (comments), applications (petitions), and complaints submitted in writing or orally.

An appeal may be oral (presented by a citizen and recorded by an official at a personal reception) written, sent by mail, or delivered by a citizen to the relevant body or institution in person or through an authorized person if such authority is issued by the applicable law. An appeal may be submitted by an individual (individual) or a group of individuals (collective).

In addition, the Law establishes the following requirements for an appeal:

  • appeals are addressed to state authorities and local self-government bodies, enterprises, institutions, organizations regardless of ownership, associations of citizens or officials whose powers include resolving the issues raised;
  • the appeal must contain the surname, name, patronymic, and place of residence of the citizen;
  • the essence of the issue raised, comments, suggestions, statements or complaints, requests or demands are set out;
  • the written appeal must be signed by the applicant(s) and dated. An appeal that does not comply with these requirements shall be returned to the applicant with appropriate explanations no later than ten days from the date of its receipt.

It is worth noting that a written application without indication of the place of residence, not signed by the author(s), as well as one from which it is impossible to establish authorship, is recognized as anonymous and is not subject to consideration.

Repeated appeals by the same body from the same citizen on the same issue, if the first one has been resolved on the merits, as well as appeals from persons declared incapacitated by a court, are also not considered.

In addition, if the issues raised in an appeal received by a public authority, local self-government body, enterprises, institutions, or organizations regardless of ownership, associations of citizens or officials are not within their powers, they shall forward such an appeal within five days to the appropriate body or official, and inform the citizen who submitted the appeal.

About the timeframe for consideration of appeals, the Law stipulates that they are considered and resolved within one month from the date of their receipt, and those that do not require additional study are considered and resolved immediately, but no later than fifteen days from the date of their receipt. If it is impossible to resolve the issues raised in the appeal within one month, the head of the relevant body, enterprise, institution, organization, or his/her deputy shall set the necessary time limit for its consideration, and the person who submitted the appeal shall be informed thereof. In this case, the total period for resolving the issues raised in the appeal may not exceed forty-five days.

Upon a substantiated written request from a citizen, the term of consideration may be reduced from the term established by the Law.

The Law stipulates that state authorities, local self-government bodies, enterprises, institutions, organizations regardless of ownership, associations of citizens, and officials shall consider citizens' appeals without charging a fee.

In addition, the Law prohibits refusing to accept and consider an appeal based on political views, party affiliation, gender, age, religion, or nationality.

If a citizen does not receive a response to his or her appeal, he or she has the right to appeal in court against decisions, actions, or inaction of state authorities, local self-government bodies, officials, and employees by Article 55 of the Constitution of Ukraine.

All disputes and controversies arising from the interpretation and application of the Electricity Supply Agreement or in connection with it, the quality of electricity supply or threats to electrical safety, as well as other disputes that may arise in the interaction between the supplier and the consumer, shall be resolved through negotiations in a transparent, fair and prompt manner. The supplier is obliged to consider all complaints received from consumers and report the results of their consideration within one month. In the event of failure to reach an agreement through negotiations, the consumer has the right to apply for dispute resolution to the National Energy and Utilities Regulatory Commission (hereinafter referred to as the Regulator, NEURC) by Article 21 of the Law of Ukraine "On the National Energy and Utilities Regulatory Commission" and/or to refer the dispute to the court by the current legislation of Ukraine.

Functions and powers of the Regulator

1. The Regulator ensures the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of consumers of goods (services) produced (provided) by business entities operating in the energy and utilities sectors, consideration of appeals from such consumers and dispute resolution, provision of explanations on the application of the Regulator's regulations; Consideration of complaints and dispute resolution1. The Regulator considers consumer complaints regarding violations of their rights and interests by business entities operating in the energy and utilities sectors and resolves disputes arising between business entities operating in the energy and utilities sectors on the following issues:

  • access/connection to electricity, heat and gas networks, oil and product pipelines, centralized water supply, and sewerage networks;
  • compliance by business entities with license conditions;
  • quality of goods and services provided to consumers in the energy and utilities sectors;
  • other issues, consideration of which is within the competence of the Regulator by law.

2. The Regulator considers consumer complaints by the Law of Ukraine "On Citizens' Appeals". Disputes arising between business entities operating in the energy and utilities sectors shall be resolved by the procedure approved by the Regulator.

3. When considering complaints and resolving disputes, the Regulator has the right to require from business entities operating in the energy and utilities sectors copies of documents, explanations and other information necessary to establish the actual circumstances of the case and resolve disputes.

4. Before deciding on the merits of a dispute, the Regulator may hold preliminary hearings with the involvement of interested parties and, if necessary, conduct unscheduled inspections. The procedure for preliminary hearings shall be determined by the Regulator.

5. Based on the results of consideration of the complaint and dispute resolution, the Regulator shall decide on:

  • termination of the violation by the business entity operating in the energy and utilities sector of the legislation in the relevant field;
  • termination of the violation of license conditions by a business entity operating in the energy and utilities sector;
  • imposing a fine on a business entity operating in the energy and utilities sector by the established procedure;
  • termination of consideration of the applicant's application.

The Regulator's decision shall be provided to the business entity operating in the energy and utilities sectors by sending or delivering it against receipt. The decision made by the Regulator in the course of pre-trial consideration of the dispute is binding on the parties to the dispute and may be appealed in court.

Your suggestions, applications, complaints, claims, as well as notifications of electrical safety hazards can be submitted

  • in writing to the following address: 15b Degtyarivska Str., Kyiv, Ukraine, 04050
  • in electronic form to e-mail: [email protected]
  • by phone for consumers to contact: 044 363 43 34

Working hours: (Monday - Friday) 9:00-18:00
Days off: Saturday and Sunday

The person responsible for dispute resolution:
Director of SE "INFOTECH": Khimchenko M.O.
After processing the information on your request, our specialist will contact you as soon as possible.

Telephone number for consumers to contact
(including the customer service center):
044 363 43 34

Legal and postal address:
15b Degtyarivska Str., Kyiv, 04050, Ukraine

[email protected]

Working hours: (Monday - Friday)

Days off: Saturday and Sunday

Legislative and Regulatory Acts

Law of Ukraine No. 2019-VIII dated 13.04.2017 "On the Electricity Market"

Law of Ukraine No. 887-VIII dated 10.12.2015 "On the Specifics of Access to Information in the Fields of Electricity, Natural Gas, Heating Supply, Centralized Hot Water Supply, Centralized Drinking Water Supply and Wastewater Services"

Law of Ukraine No. 1540-VIII dated 22.09.2016 "On the National Commission that Carries Out State Regulation in the Spheres of Energy and Utilities"

Law of Ukraine No. 222-VIII dated 02.03.2015 "On Licensing of Types of Economic Activities"

Law of Ukraine No. 393/96-VR dated 02.10.1996 "On Citizens' Appeals"

Law of Ukraine No. 1023-XII dated 12.05.1991 "On Consumer Rights Protection"

Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 409 dated 06.08.2014 "On Establishing State Social Standards in the Field of Housing and Communal Services"

Resolution of the National Commission for State Regulation of Energy and Public Utilities No. 1469 dated 27.12.2017 "On Approval of Licensing Conditions for Conducting Business Activity in Electricity Supply to the Consumer"

Resolution of the National Commission for State Regulation of Energy and Utilities (NCSREU) No. 307 dated 14.03.2018 "On Approval of Market Rules"

Resolution of NCSREU No. 308 dated 14.03.2018 "On Approval of 'Day-Ahead' and Intraday Market Rules"

Resolution of NCSREU No. 309 dated 14.03.2018 "On Approval of the Transmission System Code"

Resolution of NCSREU No. 310 dated 14.03.2018 "On Approval of the Distribution System Code"

Resolution of NCSREU No. 311 dated 14.03.2018 "On Approval of the Commercial Metering Code for Electricity"

Resolution of NCSREU No. 312 dated 14.03.2018 "On Approval of the Retail Electricity Market Rules"

Resolution of NCSREU No. 375 dated 12.06.2018 "On Approval of the Procedure for Ensuring Standards of Electricity Supply Quality and Providing Compensation to Consumers for Non-Compliance"

Resolution of NCSREU No. 299 dated 12.03.2009 "On Approval of the Regulation on the Information and Consultation Center for Electric Energy Consumers"

Resolution of NCSREU No. 2118 dated 28.12.2018 "On Approval of the Temporary Procedure for Determining the Volumes of Electricity Purchases on the Wholesale Electricity Market by Suppliers and Distribution System Operators During the Transition Period until the Start of the New Electricity Market"